Alfresco Genealogy

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Alfresco Genealogy

This project is a simple genealogy extension for Alfresco 4.x.

For a short overview of the project and what was done see

There are two Eclipse projects for the customization, a repository and a Share project. The repository project contains customizations that are applied to the alfresco webapp. The Share project contains customizations that are applied to the share webapp.

Additionally, this project includes a data visualization library called D3.js which can be found at D3.js is an open source project and can be found on GitHub at

In order to load the projects into Eclipse open a workspace and select File->Import. Under "General" select "Existing Projects into Workspace" and select the "AlfrescoGenealogy" directory. You will need to create your own files. You may use the files for examples. The paths will need to be changed to reflect your environment. You will need to download the Alfresco SDK and point alfresco.sdk.remote.dir and alfrseco.sdk.server.dir to your Alfresco SDK remote and server directories respectively. For the Genealogy-Repository project, the alfresco.web.dir is the path to your application server's exploded alfresco.war directory.

The alfresco.war.path is the path to your application server's alfresco.war file. For the Genealogy-Share project the alfresco.sdk.* properties are identical to the repository project. The alfresco.web.dir is the path to your application server's exploded share.war directory. The alfresco.war.path is the path to your application server's share.war file. The alfresco.mmt.dir is the path to your alfresco-mmt.jar, which is installed with Alfresco.

In addition, the ant build script uses YUI to compress javascript when packaging customizations. We uses yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar which can be found at In order to use the genealogy customizations, you will need to create a site. This site's URL Name should be "genealogy". You should add the Data Lists page by selecting "More" and then "Customize Site" from the upper right of the title bar. Drag and drop the "Data Lists" page from "Available Site Pages" to the "Current Site Pages" section and select "OK". Navigate to the Data Lists page and create a new Data List.

If you have installed the customizations correctly, you will see a list type of "Family Member List". Select this type, give the data list a title. To create a family tree, select the data list you just created and select "New Item". There is one more step in order to allow the object picker to "start" off in the datalist directory. Select the "Repository" link from the toolbar at the top of the page and navigate to "Repository->Sites->genealogy->dataLists". There should be one item, the data list you just created with a GUID for a name, something like "248ef1a5-a9fc-487b-881b-3a96aaaba531". If you hover over the name (the GUID) in Share you will be able to edit the name. Rename the GUID to "familyTree".

If you would like to name your site or your data list another name, you can change the configuration in share-config-custom.xml by changing the location of all lines reading "/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:genealogy/cm:dataLists/cm:familyTree" to suite your location. Other Add-ons by Tribloom: Example Share Customizations Eclipse Project Example Repository Customizations Eclipse Project Repository Size Dashlet

Ownermccarthymp _

Enterprise 4.0.x

License TypeApache
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TagsFamily History
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