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Alfresco Employee


Multi-platform / Cross-Platform Desktop (AIR and Flex in browser) and Mobile AIR / Touch (Android tablets, iOS iPad) open source RIA Clients for Alfresco.

  • FlexSpaces Desktop AIR version with desktop multi-select drag/drop copy in/out and native desktop clipboard copy/paste in/out support (runs on Windows and Mac)
  • FlexSpaces "Flex In Browser" version
  • FlexSpaces portlets for Liferay, JBoss, GateIn
  • FlexSpaces Mobile version (geared for Android tablets and Apple iOS iPad, will fit on high res Android smartphones and iPhones)

All of these clients are based on the same Flex / ActionScript open source code base. In addition, customized versions of these clients or custom apps using FlexSpaces application components / APIs can be developed. Note that CMIS Spaces, is also based on the FlexSpaces code base. Custom apps could target CMIS-compliant repositories in general, if Alfresco specific features like workflow in FlexSpaces aren't involved.

FlexSpaces also has optional support for semantic tag clouds, auto-tagging, tag suggestion, geo-tagged semantic tags on a Google map. To use these features, the OpenCalais Integration, needs to be installed in your Alfresco server.

Developed by Integrated Semantics (the FlexSpaces Google Code project has locale *.properties files from Community members who translated the English version of FlexSpaces to Spanish, German, French, Japanese, and Greek) Note that FlexSpaces needs its custom web scripts installed in your Alfresco server. FlexSpaces Google Code Project blog: www.integratedsemantics.org www.integratedsemantics.com

Ownerstevereiner _

Community 3.2

Community 3.3.x

Community 3.4.x

Community 4.0.x

Enterprise 3.2

Enterprise 3.3.x

Enterprise 3.4.x

Enterprise 4.0.x

Enterprise 4.1.x

Enterprise 4.2.x

License TypeGNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
Project PageGoogle Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. 
Download PageGoogle Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. 
TagsFlex, AIR, FlexSpaces, OpenCalais, Semantic, Desktop, Client, Mobile, iPad, Android, Tablet
Component TypeAlternative Client/UI
Extension PointsData Web Script