Remote Alfresco API rivet (RAAr)

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Alfresco Employee

Remote Alfresco API rivet (RAAr)

RAAr is an abstraction layer for remote communication with Alfresco ECM. RAAr provides a simple, Java-based local library that may be used by one or more content rich applications and allows these applications to interface to Alfresco (including multiple Alfresco repositories from the same application). RAAr's lower layers handle communication to remote Alfresco instances over ReSTful calls to Alfresco that get mapped to calls to the Alfresco Foundation Services (AFS) API.

Ownermvertal _

Community 3.2r

Community 3.3.x

Community 3.4.x

Community 4.0.x

Enterprise 3.2

Enterprise 3.2r

Enterprise 3.3.x

Enterprise 3.4.x

Enterprise 4.0.x

License TypeGNU General Public License (GPL)
Project PageHome - Remote Alfresco API rivet - Rivet Logic Corp 
Download PageDownloads - Remote Alfresco API rivet - Rivet Logic Corp 
TagsRemote API, remote, API
Component TypeDeveloper Tooling
Extension Points
InstallationAMP, JAR