My goal was to delete all active and completed tasks and workflows in ACS and here is some information what i found out untill i could reach my goal.
So the solution what worked for me is to write a custom javascript code what i could run with javascript console to remove completed task and workflows in the repository.
Here is the script:
var ctxt =;
var service = ctxt.getBean('WorkflowService',;
var activitiProcessEngine = ctxt.getBean('activitiProcessEngine',;
var activitiUtil = new org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.ActivitiUtil(activitiProcessEngine, false);
var historyService = activitiUtil.getHistoryService();
var completedWorkflows = service.getCompletedWorkflows();
while(completedWorkflows.size() > 0){
var wfToDelete = completedWorkflows.remove(0);
var id = wfToDelete.getId();
logger.log("WF deleted: " + id);
completedWorkflows = service.getCompletedWorkflows();
The script tested with ACS 5.2 CE AND ACS 6.2 CE
I would like to thank my colleagues at BroadBit Hungary and @angelborroy @openpj for their help
Ps.: If you have any comment or suggestion please dont hasitate to post it.