I have taken a look in the database and I saw this:
The query is this:
node.id as node_id,
node.version as node_version,
prop.qname_id as qname_id,
prop.locale_id as locale_id,
prop.list_index as list_index,
prop.actual_type_n as actual_type_n,
prop.persisted_type_n as persisted_type_n,
prop.boolean_value as boolean_value,
prop.long_value as long_value,
prop.float_value as float_value,
prop.double_value as double_value,
prop.string_value as string_value,
prop.serializable_value as serializable_value
alf_node node
join alf_node_properties prop on (prop.node_id = node.id)
WHERE node_id in
( $1, ..., $256 )
Why is it doing so many queries like that? It is possible that it is reindexing all the documents?
What can I do to understand what is it doing?
This type of query is typical for preloading a set of nodes into caches. That is usually a part of doing any kind of queries e.g. against SOLR.
Ok, so you are telling me that Alfresco is loading nodes in the cache and this could be the reason that I see these logs:
2017-03-16 03:21:15,658 WARN [cache.node.nodesTransactionalCache] [localhost-startStop-1] Transactional update cache 'org.alfresco.cache.node.nodesTransactionalCache' is full (125000). 2017-03-16 03:21:40,089 WARN [cache.node.aspectsTransactionalCache] [localhost-startStop-1] Transactional update cache 'org.alfresco.cache.node.aspectsTransactionalCache' is full (65000). 2017-03-16 03:21:43,413 WARN [cache.node.propertiesTransactionalCache] [localhost-startStop-1] Transactional update cache 'org.alfresco.cache.node.propertiesTransactionalCache' is full (65000).
But I don't undestand why it is doing this, what do you mean by "That is usually a part of doing any kind of queries e.g. against SOLR."?
By the way, I'm not using SOLR, do you think that could solve my problems?
With that I mean that this type of query is usually only done when some code / component is doing a query using the SearchService.query() operation, which most of the time involves a SOLR (or Lucene) query.
By default Alfresco should not do any intensive queries during startup on its own, so this might be triggered by some kind of custom code or 3rd party addon.
We have only a custom authentication filter based on Shibbolet and the alfresco-trashcan-cleaner module that is scheduled to run only in the evening.
I have disabled the alfresco-trashcan-cleaner module to be sure, but we don't have any other 3rd party addon.
What is the best way to check what Alfresco is doing on startup? Where can I put some debug point to understand better what is happening?
Hi Luca (I'm suffering with you),
have you already tried to increase the log levels?
can show what is happening inside...
But there are a lot of log4j entries that could help and experimenting with them is a pain with such long boot times.
Great news, I succesfully bring back the startup times to 21 min thanks to a tiny modifications to a single query!
The query is the one that I pointed out in a previous post and the complete explanation of the problem is described here: https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/MNT-15576
Thank to all who helped me!
I'm having the same issue (slow startup). The link you provided returns 404, I would appreciate if you can help me resolve this issue.
Hi Luca,
I am also facing a similar problem now. Cloud you share your modification process?
Unfortunately, the link you shared is already 404
Sometimes it's really frustrating how people behave :-( ... why does he not correct the link after several requests doing that?
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