Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

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Active Member

Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

Hello, i'm facing a probleme since 2 days:


   - Alfresco Community 5.2

   - OS: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core), and ubuntu 16.04

   - Both: Physical or virtual machine.

the probleme is i can't preview a PDF file, whene I clic on it an error show up 'Faild to load the PDF content' and it start to download a file.

as you can see in the attached files: the log of Catalina.out and the part of the configuration file.

the probleme is on a fresh install on both os (ubuntu or centos) and both way (easy or advanced).

Thank you

PS: sorry for my english

6 Replies
Active Member II

Re: Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

Amine, How did you set up alfresco ? Did you use the OOTB installer ? or did you proceed with a manual install ?

Either way can you confirm that you have libreoffice installed and correctly configured in Alfresco ?

Note that LibreOffice is required for various visualizations as Alfresco relies on it for transforming office documents (among others) to PDFs for previews !

Last but not least, if you are attempting a manual install of alfresco, please refer to this community installer provided by Loftux and examine the different components that need to be on board for Alfresco to work correctly.

Active Member

Re: Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

hi younes, and thank you for your quick response.

1 How did I set up alfresco:

   - I prepare my server in this way:

   yum install -y libreoffice
   yum install -y fontconfig libSM libICE libXrender libXext cups-libs ImageMagick

   - I download a bin file from alfresco: alfresco-community-installer-201707-linux-x64

and i follow the steps both way easy or advanced (for the advanced I change the port to 80 and choose No to Solr1, otherwise All Yes, that all)

   2 did I use the OOTB installer : sorry i don't understand.

   3 Did I process with a manual install: No

   4 Confirmation that i have installed libreoffice: Yes and I can Preview a DOC, XLS, Video, Pictures Files.

   5 Wether libreoffice is correctly configured: since i can preview DOC files i think it's ok. (i didn't change any think about that).

and finaly the community installer yes i've seen that yeasterday but not try it yet, I will.

Thank you

Active Member II

Re: Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

Hi again Amine,

I think I mis-interpreted your question the first time, I though you were experiencing problems with the pdf previews (of office document formats) but it seems that's working fine for you, you just have some problems previewing few particular (PDF) documents (not automatically generated PDF previews for office documents). In that case I would suspect that the file you are previewing might be corrupt or might be using some compression format that is unknown to the PDFJS version used in Alfresco Share (I know JBIG2 is sometimes a bit hard for pdfJS to digest !!).

On, the other hand if you are experiencing this with the "Project Contract.pdf" that is bootstrapped with the initial install (as the log trail suggests), then this might be something else ! Could you retry to install using port 8080 instead of 80 ? I know that port 80 is a bit tricky and requires root privileges, you can then redirect trafic from 80 to 8080 either using some reverse proxy or using IPTABLES.

Active Member

Re: Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

hi younes, and thank you for your time.

ok i will do even better i will install a fresh installation of alfresco on centos 7.4.1708 (core).

I will start au 1:30 pm. and post my fedback.

Active Member

Re: Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

hi Younes,

I found where was the problem, it was my laptop: Internet Download Manager block the preview. I spend almost six days but I've never tried with another computer. I delete a PDF extension from IDM and it's works.

- now I have a production machine which is Centos installed on Hyper-V Windows 2008 R2.

Note: I installed the community installer from Loftux, I don't know if I miss a step but I wasn't asked to type the admin password.

I'm sorry for your time and thank you for your support.

Member II

Re: Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

I would suggest there are some issues on the side of your OS but it's just hit-or-miss. Or it might well be the problem with the very file, as we speak of one of them, as I suppose. If the second guess is right so you need to try to fix it manually with the editor: Adobe Acrobat will be fine if you have the license already, if not so try this one quite the same yet cheaper and work as an online tool. All you need to do is to upload it there and save as a new one - to me it worked out always in similar cases