Hi @Martinvaz,
I believe there are extensions that you can use to disable - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/access-control-allow-origin/ or https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/cors-unblock/. Can't verify these work, don't detrimentally affect security, etc - YMMV.
Hi @angelborroy
I've read that repo
On my client machine (win 10) the AutoFirma_ROOT is installed in C:\ProgramFiles\AutoFirma\AutoFirma
But when I open Firefox on the VM (Ubuntu 18.04) the AutoFirma_ROOT does not appear
Is there a way to import it from where is installed to Firefox in Ubuntu?
I don't know guys, just don't know what else to try, what else to do, what else to read..Im burned out.. I just can't believe how difficult this turned to be for me
I don't get you.
AutoFirma is a client program, to be used from the computer you are using Alfresco Share webapp.
You can find the installer of the application for different OS in https://firmaelectronica.gob.es/Home/Descargas.html
@angelborroylet me explain to you how it isconfigured.
- I have a pc running windows 10 64bits
- In the same PC I have VirtualBox running Alfresco on Ubuntu 18.04 VM
- AutoFirma is installed on my client pc (Windows 10)
- The key I generated with Oracle toolkit is stored in C:/Programfiles etc etc on Windows
- If I drop a PDF inside AutoFirma I can signe it without problem
- The amp and amp_share 1.7.2 are installed on Alfresco
- Alfresco-global.properties is configured correctly
(from my pc I can not ping Alfresco, therefore there is no communication between the server and the client. Inside Alfresco I can ping my pc 192.168x.x)
So the problem begins when inside Alfresco I want to sign a PDF. The CORS error still persists, couldn't find the way top disable
So my question is, given the situation, how can I acces Alfresco, how can I login with my user outside the VM, from Windows?
How to access alfresco outside the VM? as a regular user... because all I've been doing is on the server (VM), except Autofirma, wich is on Windows
Did I explain myself? do you see where Im failing?
Did you try this project?
It will install Alfresco (with the ESign addon installed) and it will be available from your Windows PC.
The thing is, where Im working right now, Docker is not an alternative for the moment...dont know why
So the question remains... is there a way to access from outside the VM to alfresco?
From Windows, can I access somehow??
There are many different ways, depending on the VM you are using: VirtualBox, VMWare, Ansible, Vagrant...
Im using VirtualBox, with netkork adapter on NAT
That is why from inside the VM i can ping my pc, but from the pc can not ping the VM. SO, how can I access from WIndows tolog in to Alfresco?
On the other hand I've installed Chromium and the error persists when hit the sign pdf button.
VirtualBox documentation can help.
Probably a bridge adapter is the right option for you: https://www.adictosaltrabajo.com/2010/05/11/virtualbox/
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