I have Alfresco 5.2 project with Apache POI version "3.10.1-20151016-alfresco-patched" and I need to update in up to 5.0.0 version (or 4.0.0). I have add the section
But as I can see the class XWPFTableCell still has an old version: /home/katya3/.m2/repository/org/apache/poi/poi-ooxml/3.10.1-20151016-alfresco-patched/poi-ooxml-3.10.1-20151016-alfresco-patched-sources.jar!/org/apache/poi/xwpf/usermodel/XWPFTableCell.java Also I can not see the required method setWidth (added in 4.0.0) so the version is still old. Please teach me how to upgrade?
Thank you!