Thank you very much EddieMay!
Its realy a good link. I will work based on info provided. I hope I will get my outcomes!
Kind regards,
Shashi, seems that you have MySQL 5.7 or even older version. This should work:
drop procedure if exists get_path; delimiter $$ create procedure get_path(in document_node_id bigint(20), out path text) begin declare parent_name varchar(255); declare temppath text; declare tempparent bigint(20); declare continue handler for not found begin set tempparent = null; set parent_name = ''; end; set max_sp_recursion_depth = 255; select a.parent_node_id, p1.string_value from alf_child_assoc a left join alf_node_properties p1 on a.parent_node_id=p1.node_id where p1.qname_id=( select from alf_qname q left join alf_namespace n on ( where q.local_name='name' and n.uri='' ) and a.child_node_id=document_node_id into tempparent, parent_name; if tempparent is null then set path = parent_name; else call get_path(tempparent, temppath); set path = concat(temppath, '/', parent_name); end if; end$$ delimiter ; drop function if exists get_path; delimiter $$ create function get_path(child_node_id int) returns text deterministic begin declare res text; call get_path(child_node_id, res); return res; end$$ delimiter ;
Original idea is from here:
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