I am currently trying to create a process by using the REST API : HTTP POST request at /alfresco/api/-default-/public/workflow/versions/1/processes with the following data:
"processDefinitionKey": "mbWfAddContent",
"variables": {
"bpm_assignee": "...",
"bpm_sendEMailNotifications": true,
"bpm_workflowPriority": 0,
"mbwf_contentType": "Recording"
but it fails with error 500 and this message "Incorrect number of document attached to this workflow. Only one document is accepted". This is because the workflow's startEvent script hasif(bpm_package.children.length == 1)
throw new Error("Incorrect number of document attached to this workflow. Only one document is accepted");
Is there a way to add items to a process directly in the process creation request ?
I cannot use the POST request to alfresco/api/-default-/public/workflow/versions/1//processes/{processId}/items because the process does not exist yet at this point, so it does not have an id yet.
Thanks !