Recovering a deleted site fails,
Getting the following error message below in logs.
Exception calling (PUT) https://***/alfresco/s/api/archive/archive/SpacesStore/8e546ff1-9214-4612-8e66-f01a237da60f?alf_tick... 2019-03-04 09:59:00,606 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-443-exec-2871] Error status 408 Read timed out
We have the following timeout setting for share custom-slingshot-application-context.xml file
- this setting for share application
<property name="connectTimeout"><value>20000</value></property> <!-- the http.socket.timeout value in milliseconds to apply to HTTP connections --> <property name="readTimeout"><value>220000</value></property>
I do not understand why alfresco repo is getting timeout because the above webscript is alfresco repo ws.
I am using alfresco admin account and even the user who deleted this site unable to recover.
I would appreciate any help or suggestions..