Which alfresco-global.pjrperties is correct?

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Member II

Which alfresco-global.pjrperties is correct?

Hi there,


after a while stepping from 5.2 to 6.x using the Docker environment (which I don't like....) I try to set up and configure Alfresco.

I found



which one is the right one?

I'm confused..... Smiley Sad

Thanks for any help.



2 Replies

Re: Which alfresco-global.pjrperties is correct?

alfresco-global.properties can still be found under $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties (i.e. /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties) in alfresco repository container. 

When all your containers are up, you can run following command to see the launced container names/ids.

docker ps

You can connect to repository container and navigate to '/usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes' directory to find the alfresco-global.properties file. 

For example container name is: 'acs_community_alfresco_1' then you can use following command to connect and find the file.

docker exec -i -t acs_community_alfresco_1 /bin/bash

However, this file (/usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties) may be empty and may not have any properties in it. 

You can either have your 'alfresco-global.properties' and copy it to repository container while launching the containers with help of DockerFile or use JAVA_OPTS within 'docker-compose.yml' file to add/update any properties which you would like.

This project has examples of DockerFile and JAVA_OPTS based examples, if you want to take a reference:


With docker based deployment, it has own benefits comapred to traditional deployemts prior to 6.x. I would suggest you to go through these docs, everything looks unfamilier until you get used to it. 


To know more on docker-compose CLIhttps://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/overview/
To know more on DockerFile, refer:  https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/
To know more on docker-compose.yml, refer: https://docs.docker.com/compose/


(ACSCE, AWS SAA, Azure Admin)
Member II

Re: Which alfresco-global.pjrperties is correct?

Thanks for the splendid answer.

I will check it out and I'm shure it'll work... Smiley Wink

Regarding Docker: I would prefer to have a choice. I'm working on VM's and cannot see the benefit of Docker right now.

On hardware-based servers, the benefit is clear. But the administration overhead is annoying.

I have to learn a completely new environment, just to use something I'm using for a long time now. If it wasn't for REST support, I would stay with 5.2...

Thankful regards,
