activiti7 : 7.0.0.Beta3的问题,急

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Member II

activiti7 : 7.0.0.Beta3的问题,急

runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey(procDefKey, businessKey, assignee_map);




I hope the author can give me an answer. I need to know the answer very much. Thank you.

I use Beta1 to start the process. The process variables are global and I need them. They are correct. However, Beta3 is updated today. After starting the process, every process instance will have twice as many process variables when it starts. This is not only redundant, but also affects my subsequent code processing logic. Excuse me: This is BUG or later activiti is designed like this. Thank you. Please tell me the answer.

1 Reply
Member II

Re: activiti7 : 7.0.0.Beta3的问题,急

借楼问下,Activiti 7 的Designer除了IDE的插件外,还有类似6.x的UI设计器吗?