Alfresco 5.2 (Deadlock on table ACT_RU_TASK)

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Alfresco 5.2 (Deadlock on table ACT_RU_TASK)

Hi all,

We have some weird experience with Activiti Workflow for the moment.

We are developing a platform of 900 concurrent users starting and processing workflows

Our DB is composed by 500 tables (Activiti ones included)

Sometimes we have some deadlocks on table ACT_RU_TASK

Does someone has explanations or similar experience with this table? I have read posts about it

Here is an exemple of query beeing waiting for a deadlock

update ACT_RU_TASK
             SET REV_ = $1,
              NAME_ = $2,
              PARENT_TASK_ID_ = $3,
              PRIORITY_ = $4,
              CREATE_TIME_ = $5,
              OWNER_ = $6,
              ASSIGNEE_ = $7,
              DELEGATION_ = $8,
              EXECUTION_ID_ = $9,
              PROC_DEF_ID_ = $10,
              DESCRIPTION_ = $11,
              DUE_DATE_ = $12,
              CATEGORY_ = $13,
              SUSPENSION_STATE_ = $14,
              FORM_KEY_ = $15
            where ID_= $16
              and REV_ = $17