how to break a cardinality of subProcess in activiti 5.19.0 ?
lets assume a Subprocess is start with some cardinality lets assume 3.
in subprocess have some userTask . in one user Task have to take decision if user select accepted option then cardinality get break means rest of the process work with one cardinality.
What's meaing of cardinality and breaking cardinality?
if we create a multi-instance of a task or subprocess then we provide a cardinality.
breaking a cardinality means stop creating multiple-instance of task
You can use EL expression of loop cardinality.
If you want to skip tha task of multiple-instance, you should EL expression of loop cardinality and set the variable of EL expression to 0.
In the following example, set the variable 'count' to 0.
If you are looking to break the loop when a certain conditions met, use the completion condition attribute "completionCondition". For more details please refer Activiti User Guide: Multi-instance
thanx sir its help me alot
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