I am new to Activiti and started working with this recently. I have a situation here I am trying to include some business rules using Drool and Activiti BusinessRuleTask, I have done the below steps to achieve the same:
1. My Activiti installation is running on Tomcat 8.5 and Activiti Ver is 1.9
2. I have created a process model using the activiti process modeler portal.
3. I have created one java project and using a Delegate class to prepare a object(for eg. LoanApplication) which I am going to use as input to my rule.
4. I have added the .drl file with the rule in my project class path.
5. I created one jar file and deployed it in activiti-app/WEB-INF/lib folder.
6. I have deployed the sample process model app using Activiti Process Modeler portal (UI).
7. While starting the process using the Activiti UI I can see the process app is not able to find the rule and getting the error "org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: deployment 62514 doesn't contain any rules"
which is very certain that it is not able to find the .drl file although it is present in the activiti-app/WEB-INF/lib/myjavaproj.jar file. Looks like I need to put it in somewhere else where the process model .xml file resides but with the installations I have all the details are being stored in db.
Can someone put some light on this how to resolve this and where I should keep the .drl files so that process should pick them up ?
Thanks in advance.
currently the UI does not support any way to upload drl file. but you can try approach mentioned in this thread - https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-process-services/activiti-integration-with-drools/m-p/306683#M7...
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