delete and complete task listener both fire in case of complete a userTask ?
here i am attached a test.bpmn20.xml in which have 2 userTask a and b.
userTask a have a boundary timer event and a also have 2 listener . one is fire when task deleted and anther is completed
if i am complete userTask a then both listener fire .
why both listener fire?
i think only completed listener should be fire.
if because of timer deleted listener fire so how to deactivate or stop timer job before complete the userTask?
> if i am complete userTask a then both listener fire .
> why both listener fire? i think only completed listener should be fire.
It's the behavior as specified.
If a userTask is completed, the process engine deletes a task entity and a task entity delete event fires.
> if because of timer deleted listener fire so how to deactivate or stop timer job before complete the userTask?
I'm sorry that I cannot understand your fear.
If you complete the userTask before timer job fire, you don't need care of timer job.
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