We are using ACTIVITI 7.
We have process definition such that it contains the timers(boundary event).
After creating the instances for such processes and performing some transition timer is activated (we are giving timer due date say it will execute after one day etc.).
Our usecase is to update the due date of timer in following ways:
1) Either prepone or postpone the timer due date with new one.
2) By adding time to the the existing due date and then update the new due date for the timer.
3) This operation may be for single timer and for bulk timers as well.
We are using the <mgmt service> to get the existing timers, but it seems it is deprecated.
Here is the code snippet,
List<Job> job = managementService.createTimerJobQuery().processInstanceId(processInstanceId).timers().list();
So can you please recommend some way so we can get the existing due date and update the new timer due date as per the use cases mentioned.