I've been trying to create the alfresco all in one archetype project to create custom REST API using java and the version of alfresco been used is 5.1f
I'am using the below link to add the remote catalog while creating the project. After creating it in the POM file i see its stating as SDK 3.0 and the version is 5.2, but as per documents we should use SDK 2.0 for 5.1 version of alfresco.
Link: https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml
Please do provide me the remote catalog link for creating the all in one archetype maven project in Eclipe IDE.
Any help would be appreciated...Thank you!
Try this to create sdk 2 project.
Thanks for the response.
Could you please tell me that the project created using this link will directly deploy its jar file in the local alfresco server which is installed in my system once i execute the project?
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