I have tested the demo app on my local environment by following the steps from the alfresco ADF tutorial.
I want to deploy it onto a AWS server which has a similar setup of Alfresco Content Services and Alfresco Process Services application.
Could you guide me in deploying the custom ADF demo application which is currently in my local laptop onto the AWS server.
What are the steps that I need to follow? what code should I deploy and into what application server?
Appreciate your assistance.... Thank you...
To deploy your ADF application you simply need to copy the root folder of the app from your laptop to the new server.
This is valid if:
- The new server on AWS has the correct prerequisites in terms of nodejs, etc.
- The app on your laptop already points to the ACS/APS instances on AWS.
This should be enough to run correctly the application in the new server.
I don't know if you'd require to change something in the new server, for example using a web server or something more "robust" and not for development or experimentation only.
I hope this will help you.
Thank you Francesco.... I will test this out... I was assuming we need to copy this app root folder onto some application server...
I have node.js installed on AWS, let me copy the root app folder onto the server and test it out.
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