<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<process-definition xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.1" name="scwf:test">
<!–Definition des swimlanes–>
<swimlane name="initiator">
<swimlane name="assignee">
<assignment class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoAssignment">
<!–Definition du processus–>
<start-state name="start">
<task name="scwf:submitReviewTask" swimlane="initiator"/>
<transition name="submit" to="Submit">
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfJavaScript">
<!–Find the Acceptance folder–>
var acceptanceFolder = companyhome.childByNamePath("Acceptance");
<!–If it doesn't exist, create it for the first time–>
if (acceptanceFolder == null){
acceptanceFolder = companyhome.createFolder("Acceptance");
if (acceptanceFolder != null){
var bpmpackage = bpm_package;
<!–get the file from where the workflow was started = the file one wants to move–>
var doc = bpmpackage.children[0];
<!– create mail action–>
var mail = actions.create("mail");
mail.parameters.to = initiator.properties["cm:email"];;
mail.parameters.subject = "Hello from JavaScript";
mail.parameters.from = bpm_assignee.properties["cm:email"];
mail.parameters.template = companyhome.childByNamePath("space/notify_user_email.ftl");
mail.parameters.text = "some text, in case template is not found";
<!–execute action against a document–>
<node name="Submit">
<transition name="accepted" to="A Review"/>
<task-node name="A Review">
<task name="scwf:aReview" swimlane="assignee"/>
<transition name="approve" to="end1">
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfJavaScript">
<!–Find the Acceptance folder–>
var validatedFolder = companyhome.childByNamePath("Validated");
<!–If it doesn't exist, create it for the first time–>
if (validatedFolder == null){
validatedFolder= companyhome.createFolder("Validated");
if (validatedFolder != null){
var bpmpackage = bpm_package;
<!–get the file from where the workflow was started = the file one wants to move–>
var doc = bpmpackage.children[0];
<transition name="reject" to="S Revision">
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfJavaScript">
<!–Find the Acceptance folder–>
var workingFolder = companyhome.childByNamePath("Working");
<!–If it doesn't exist, create it for the first time–>
if (workingFolder == null){
workingFolder = companyhome.createFolder("Working");
if (workingFolder != null){
var bpmpackage = bpm_package;
<!–get the file from where the workflow was started = the file one wants to move–>
var doc = bpmpackage.children[0];
<task-node name="S Revision">
<task name="scwf:sRevision" swimlane="assignee"/>
<transition name="Re-Submit" to="A Review">
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfJavaScript">
<!–Find the Acceptance folder–>
var acceptanceFolder = companyhome.childByNamePath("Acceptance");
<!–If it doesn't exist, create it for the first time–>
if (acceptanceFolder == null){
acceptanceFolder = companyhome.createFolder("Acceptance");
if (acceptanceFolder != null){
var bpmpackage = bpm_package;
<!–get the file from where the workflow was started = the file one wants to move–>
var doc = bpmpackage.children[0];
<end-state name="end1"/>
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