Echec de création du nouveau Espace suite à l'erreur : Accès interdit. Vous n'avez pas la permission de réaliser cette opération.
if(this.authorityService.authorityExists(this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, CreateProject.companyGroup)) == false) { …
protected String finishImpl(FacesContext context, String outcome) throws Exception
// Appelle le process de creation de dossier originel
outcome = super.finishImpl(context, outcome);
NodeRef espaceProjet = this.createdNode;
NodeRef espaceTravail = nodeService.getChildByName(this.createdNode, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, workSpaceName);
NodeRef espaceCollab = nodeService.getChildByName(this.createdNode, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, collaborativeSpaceName);
// Récupère le nom du projet
String nomEspace = (String)nodeService.getProperty(espaceProjet, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
// Génère les noms des groupes associés
String memberGroup = "Membre " + nomEspace;
String adminGroup = "Admin " + nomEspace;
// Vérifie l'existence du groupe ATOS (parent)
if(this.authorityService.authorityExists(this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, CreateProject.companyGroup)) == false)
throw new Exception("Impossible de trouver le groupe mère : " + CreateProject.companyGroup);
// Crée les groupes fils
String memberGroupName = this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, memberGroup);
if (this.authorityService.authorityExists(memberGroupName) == false)
logger.debug("Creation du groupe " + memberGroupName);
this.authorityService.createAuthority(AuthorityType.GROUP, PermissionService.GROUP_PREFIX + CreateProject.companyGroup, memberGroup);
logger.warn("Le groupe " + memberGroup + "existe deja");
String adminGroupName = this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, adminGroup);
if (this.authorityService.authorityExists(adminGroupName) == false)
this.authorityService.createAuthority(AuthorityType.GROUP, memberGroupName, adminGroup);
logger.debug("Creation du groupe " + adminGroupName);
{"Le groupe " + memberGroup + "existe deja");
// Positionne les droits sur l'espace projet
List<UserGroupRole> projetGroupRoles = new ArrayList<UserGroupRole>(8);
addAuthorityWithRole(adminGroup, "Coordinator", projetGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(memberGroup, "Collaborator", projetGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(CreateProject.companyGroup, "Consumer", projetGroupRoles);
* Parcourt les clients spécifiés dans l'interface web et
* leur donne le droit de lecture
for(int i = 0; i < this.clientsGroupRoles.size(); i++)
UserGroupRole groupRole = this.clientsGroupRoles.get(i);
String client = groupRole.getAuthority().substring(permissionService.GROUP_PREFIX.length());
addAuthorityWithRole(client, "Consumer", projetGroupRoles);
processSpacePermissions(projetGroupRoles, espaceProjet);
// Positionne les droits sur l'espace travail
List<UserGroupRole> workGroupRoles = new ArrayList<UserGroupRole>(8);
addAuthorityWithRole(adminGroup, "Coordinator", workGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(memberGroup, "Collaborator", workGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(CreateProject.companyGroup, "Consumer", workGroupRoles);
processSpacePermissions(workGroupRoles, espaceTravail);
// Postionne les droits sur l'espace collaboratif avec les clients séléctionnés dans l'interface web
processSpacePermissions(this.clientsGroupRoles, espaceCollab);
// Place le créateur (utilisateur courant) dans le Groupe Admin Projet
try {
String currentUserName = properties.getAuthenticationService().getCurrentUserName();
StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(48);
// build a display label showing the user person name
if (this.personService.personExists(currentUserName) == true)
// found a Person with a User authority
NodeRef ref = this.personService.getPerson(currentUserName);
String firstName = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME);
String lastName = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
// build a sensible label for display
label.append(firstName).append(' ').append(lastName);
// add a wrapper object with the details to the results list
// for display
UserAuthorityDetails userDetails = new UserAuthorityDetails(label.toString(), currentUserName);
logger.debug("Ajout de l'user " + label + "au groupe " + adminGroup);
this.authorityService.addAuthority(adminGroupName, userDetails.getAuthority());
catch(Exception e)
logger.warn("Impossible de placer l'utilisateur courant dans le groupe " + adminGroup);
// Ajoute les membres sélectionnés au groupe Membres Projet
for (UserAuthorityDetails membre : membresGroup)
logger.debug("Ajout de l'user " + membre.getAuthority() + "au groupe " + memberGroup);
this.authorityService.addAuthority(memberGroupName, membre.getAuthority());
return outcome;
* Assistant "Créer un Projet XXX…"
* Crée un nouveau projet basé sur un modèle d'espace prédéfini,
* propose le choix des groupes clients à inviter dans l'espace collaboration
* et applique les droits sur les sous dossiers du projet.
package xxxxxxxxx.wizard;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.faces.component.UISelectOne;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.model.DataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceService;
import org.alfresco.web.bean.groups.GroupsDialog.UserAuthorityDetails;
import org.alfresco.web.bean.repository.Node;
import org.alfresco.web.bean.repository.Repository;
import org.alfresco.web.bean.spaces.CreateSpaceWizard;
import org.alfresco.web.bean.users.UsersBeanProperties;
import org.alfresco.web.bean.wizard.InviteUsersWizard.UserGroupRole;
import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.SortableSelectItem;
import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.Utils;
import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.component.UIGenericPicker;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* @author Pierre Belin
* Inspiré de et d'Alfresco
public class CreateProject extends CreateSpaceWizard {
protected static String enforcedTemplateName = "Xxxx_project";
protected static String collaborativeSpaceName = "Espace Collaboratif";
protected static String workSpaceName = "Espace de Travail";
protected static String companyGroup = "xxxxx";
/* I18N message strings */
protected static final String MSG_USERROLES = "invite_users_summary";
private static final String MSG_USERS = "users";
private static final String MSG_GROUPS = "groups";
protected static final String STEP_NOTIFY = "notify";
/* Beans */
/** AuthenticationService bean reference */
protected UsersBeanProperties properties;
/** AuthorityService bean reference */
protected AuthorityService authorityService;
/** PermissionService bean reference */
protected PermissionService permissionService;
/** personService bean reference */
protected PersonService personService;
/* Clients - Externes */
/** datamodel for table of roles for users */
protected DataModel clientsRolesDataModel = null;
/** liste des clients : user/group role wrapper objects */
protected List<UserGroupRole> clientsGroupRoles = null;
/* Membres */
/** datamodel for table of roles for users */
protected DataModel membresDataModel = null;
/** liste des membres du projet */
protected List<UserAuthorityDetails> membresGroup = null;
/** True to allow duplicate authorities (with a different role) */
protected boolean allowDuplicateAuthorities = true;
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CreateProject.class);
public void init(Map<String, String> parameters)
// Override la step1 du wizard classique
this.createFrom = "template";
// Override la step2 du wizard classique
Iterator<SelectItem> iterTemplates = this.templates.iterator();
while(this.templateSpaceId == null && iterTemplates.hasNext())
SelectItem tpl =;
if (tpl.getLabel().equals(enforcedTemplateName))
this.templateSpaceId = (String)tpl.getValue();
// Simulation de l'appui sur 'suivant';
clientsGroupRoles = new ArrayList<UserGroupRole>(20);
membresGroup = new ArrayList<UserAuthorityDetails>(50);
* Returns the properties for current user-roles JSF DataModel
* @return JSF DataModel representing the current user-roles
public DataModel getClientsRolesDataModel()
if (this.clientsRolesDataModel == null)
this.clientsRolesDataModel = new ListDataModel();
return this.clientsRolesDataModel;
public DataModel getMembresDataModel()
if (this.membresDataModel == null)
this.membresDataModel = new ListDataModel();
return this.membresDataModel;
* @param properties the properties to set
public void setProperties(UsersBeanProperties properties)
{ = properties;
* @param namespaceService The NamespaceService to set.
public void setNamespaceService(NamespaceService namespaceService)
this.namespaceService = namespaceService;
* @param permissionService The PermissionService to set.
public void setPermissionService(PermissionService permissionService)
this.permissionService = permissionService;
* @param personService The PersonService to set.
public void setPersonService(PersonService personService)
this.personService = personService;
* @param authorityService The authorityService to set.
public void setAuthorityService(AuthorityService authorityService)
this.authorityService = authorityService;
* Property accessed by the Generic Picker component.
* @return the array of filter options to show in the users/groups picker
public SelectItem[] getClientsFilters()
ResourceBundle bundle = Application.getBundle(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
return new SelectItem[] {
//new SelectItem("0", bundle.getString(MSG_USERS)),
//new SelectItem("1", bundle.getString(MSG_GROUPS)) };
new SelectItem("0", bundle.getString(MSG_GROUPS)) };
public SelectItem[] getMembresFilters()
ResourceBundle bundle = Application.getBundle(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
return new SelectItem[] {
new SelectItem("0", bundle.getString(MSG_USERS)) };
* Query callback method executed by the Generic Picker component.
* This method is part of the contract to the Generic Picker, it is up to the backing bean
* to execute whatever query is appropriate and return the results.
* @param filterIndex Index of the filter drop-down selection
* @param contains Text from the contains textbox
* @return An array of SelectItem objects containing the results to display in the picker.
public SelectItem[] clientsPickerCallback(int filterIndex, String contains)
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
SelectItem[] items;
UserTransaction tx = null;
tx = Repository.getUserTransaction(context, true);
// groups - simple text based match on name
Set<String> groups = authorityService.getAllAuthorities(AuthorityType.GROUP);
List<SelectItem> results = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(groups.size());
String containsLower = contains.toLowerCase();
int offset = PermissionService.GROUP_PREFIX.length();
for (String group : groups)
if (group.toLowerCase().indexOf(containsLower, offset) != -1)
// Cache les groupes "systemes"
if(!group.contains("Admin ") && !group.contains("Membre "))
results.add(new SortableSelectItem(group, group.substring(offset), group));
items = new SelectItem[results.size()];
// commit the transaction
catch (Throwable err)
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), Repository.ERROR_GENERIC), err.getMessage()), err );
try { if (tx != null) {tx.rollback();} } catch (Exception tex) {}
items = new SelectItem[0];
return items;
public SelectItem[] membresPickerCallback(int filterIndex, final String contains)
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
SelectItem[] items;
UserTransaction tx = null;
tx = Repository.getUserTransaction(context, true);
// build xpath to match available User/Person objects
NodeRef peopleRef = personService.getPeopleContainer();
// Use lucene search to retrieve user details
String lucene = "@" + NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_PREFIX + "\\:firstName:*" + contains + "* " +
"@" + NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_PREFIX + "\\:lastName:*" + contains + "* ";
ResultSet resultSet = searchService.query(peopleRef.getStoreRef(), SearchService.LANGUAGE_LUCENE, lucene);
List<NodeRef> nodes = resultSet.getNodeRefs();
items = new SelectItem[nodes.size()];
for (int index=0; index<nodes.size(); index++)
NodeRef personRef = nodes.get(index);
String firstName = (String)this.nodeService.getProperty(personRef, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME);
String lastName = (String)this.nodeService.getProperty(personRef, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
String username = (String)this.nodeService.getProperty(personRef, ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME);
SelectItem item = new SortableSelectItem(username, firstName + " " + lastName + " [" + username + "]", lastName);
items[index] = item;
// commit the transaction
catch (Throwable err)
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), Repository.ERROR_GENERIC), err.getMessage()), err );
try { if (tx != null) {tx.rollback();} } catch (Exception tex) {}
items = new SelectItem[0];
return items;
* @return The list of available roles for the users/groups
public SelectItem[] getClientsRoles()
ResourceBundle bundle = Application.getBundle(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
// get available roles (grouped permissions) from the permission service
Set<String> perms = getPermissionsForType();
SelectItem[] roles = new SelectItem[perms.size()];
int index = 0;
for (String permission : perms)
String displayLabel = bundle.getString(permission);
roles[index++] = new SelectItem(permission, displayLabel);
return roles;
* Add an authority with the specified role to the list managed by this wizard.
* @param authority Authority to add (cannot be null)
* @param role Role for the authorities (cannot be null)
public void addAuthorityWithRole(String authority, String role, List<UserGroupRole> userGroupList)
// only add if authority not already present in the list with same role
boolean foundExisting = false;
for (int n=0; n<userGroupList.size(); n++)
UserGroupRole wrapper = userGroupList.get(n);
if (authority.equals(wrapper.getAuthority()) &&
(!this.allowDuplicateAuthorities || role.equals(wrapper.getRole())))
foundExisting = true;
if (foundExisting == false)
StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(64);
// build a display label showing the user and their role for the space
AuthorityType authType = AuthorityType.getAuthorityType(authority);
if (authType == AuthorityType.GUEST || authType == AuthorityType.USER)
if (authType == AuthorityType.GUEST || this.personService.personExists(authority) == true)
// found a User authority
label.append(buildLabelForUserAuthorityRole(authority, role));
// found a group authority
label.append(buildLabelForGroupAuthorityRole(authority, role));
userGroupList.add(new UserGroupRole(authority, role, label.toString()));
* Helper to build a label of the form:
* Firstname Lastname (Role)
public String buildLabelForUserAuthorityRole(String authority, String role)
// found a User authority
NodeRef ref = this.personService.getPerson(authority);
String firstName = (String)this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME);
String lastName = (String)this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
.append(" ")
.append(lastName != null ? lastName : "")
.append(" (")
.append(Application.getMessage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), role))
return buf.toString();
* Helper to build a label for a Group authority of the form:
* Groupname (role)
public String buildLabelForGroupAuthorityRole(String authority, String role)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
.append(" (")
.append(Application.getMessage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), role))
return buf.toString();
* Action handler called when the Add button is pressed to process the current selection
public void clientsAddSelection(ActionEvent event)
UIGenericPicker picker = (UIGenericPicker)event.getComponent().findComponent("picker");
UISelectOne rolePicker = (UISelectOne)event.getComponent().findComponent("roles");
String[] results = picker.getSelectedResults();
if (results != null)
String role = (String)rolePicker.getValue();
if (role != null)
for (int i=0; i<results.length; i++)
addAuthorityWithRole(results[i], role, this.clientsGroupRoles);
public void membresAddSelection(ActionEvent event)
UIGenericPicker picker = (UIGenericPicker) event.getComponent().findComponent("picker");
String[] results = picker.getSelectedResults();
if (results != null)
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
String authority = results[i];
// check for same authority so not added twice
boolean foundExisting = false;
for (int n = 0; n < this.membresGroup.size(); n++)
UserAuthorityDetails wrapper = this.membresGroup.get(n);
if (authority.equals(wrapper.getAuthority()))
foundExisting = true;
if (foundExisting == false)
StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(48);
// build a display label showing the user person name
if (this.personService.personExists(authority) == true)
// found a Person with a User authority
NodeRef ref = this.personService.getPerson(authority);
String firstName = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME);
String lastName = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
// build a sensible label for display
label.append(firstName).append(' ').append(lastName);
// add a wrapper object with the details to the results list
// for display
UserAuthorityDetails userDetails = new UserAuthorityDetails(label.toString(), authority);
* Action handler called when the Remove button is pressed to remove a user+role
public void clientsRemoveSelection(ActionEvent event)
UserGroupRole wrapper = (UserGroupRole)this.clientsRolesDataModel.getRowData();
if (wrapper != null)
public void membresRemoveSelection(ActionEvent event)
UserAuthorityDetails wrapper = (UserAuthorityDetails) this.membresDataModel.getRowData();
if (wrapper != null)
* Cache of available folder permissions
* Modifié pour cacher les permissions : Coordinator
* */
Set<String> folderPermissions = null;
protected Set<String> getPermissionsForType()
if (this.folderPermissions == null)
this.folderPermissions = this.permissionService.getSettablePermissions(ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER);
/* Modif Docks */
* Bout de code utile pour lister les permissions existantes
logger.debug("Permissions possibles");
Iterator<String> iterator = this.folderPermissions.iterator();
return this.folderPermissions;
protected Node getNode()
return this.browseBean.getActionSpace();
* Code du wizard une fois qu'on clique sur Terminer (Docks)
protected String finishImpl(FacesContext context, String outcome) throws Exception
// Appelle le process de creation de dossier originel
outcome = super.finishImpl(context, outcome);
NodeRef espaceProjet = this.createdNode;
NodeRef espaceTravail = nodeService.getChildByName(this.createdNode, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, workSpaceName);
NodeRef espaceCollab = nodeService.getChildByName(this.createdNode, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, collaborativeSpaceName);
// Récupère le nom du projet
String nomEspace = (String)nodeService.getProperty(espaceProjet, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
// Génère les noms des groupes associés
String memberGroup = "Membre " + nomEspace;
String adminGroup = "Admin " + nomEspace;
// Vérifie l'existence du groupe ATOS (parent)
if(this.authorityService.authorityExists(this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, CreateProject.companyGroup)) == false)
throw new Exception("Impossible de trouver le groupe mère : " + CreateProject.companyGroup);
// Crée les groupes fils
String memberGroupName = this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, memberGroup);
if (this.authorityService.authorityExists(memberGroupName) == false)
logger.debug("Creation du groupe " + memberGroupName);
this.authorityService.createAuthority(AuthorityType.GROUP, PermissionService.GROUP_PREFIX + CreateProject.companyGroup, memberGroup);
logger.warn("Le groupe " + memberGroup + "existe deja");
String adminGroupName = this.authorityService.getName(AuthorityType.GROUP, adminGroup);
if (this.authorityService.authorityExists(adminGroupName) == false)
this.authorityService.createAuthority(AuthorityType.GROUP, memberGroupName, adminGroup);
logger.debug("Creation du groupe " + adminGroupName);
{"Le groupe " + memberGroup + "existe deja");
// Positionne les droits sur l'espace projet
List<UserGroupRole> projetGroupRoles = new ArrayList<UserGroupRole>(8);
addAuthorityWithRole(adminGroup, "Coordinator", projetGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(memberGroup, "Collaborator", projetGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(CreateProject.companyGroup, "Consumer", projetGroupRoles);
* Parcourt les clients spécifiés dans l'interface web et
* leur donne le droit de lecture
for(int i = 0; i < this.clientsGroupRoles.size(); i++)
UserGroupRole groupRole = this.clientsGroupRoles.get(i);
String client = groupRole.getAuthority().substring(permissionService.GROUP_PREFIX.length());
addAuthorityWithRole(client, "Consumer", projetGroupRoles);
processSpacePermissions(projetGroupRoles, espaceProjet);
// Positionne les droits sur l'espace travail
List<UserGroupRole> workGroupRoles = new ArrayList<UserGroupRole>(8);
addAuthorityWithRole(adminGroup, "Coordinator", workGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(memberGroup, "Collaborator", workGroupRoles);
addAuthorityWithRole(CreateProject.companyGroup, "Consumer", workGroupRoles);
processSpacePermissions(workGroupRoles, espaceTravail);
// Postionne les droits sur l'espace collaboratif avec les clients séléctionnés dans l'interface web
processSpacePermissions(this.clientsGroupRoles, espaceCollab);
// Place le créateur (utilisateur courant) dans le Groupe Admin Projet
try {
String currentUserName = properties.getAuthenticationService().getCurrentUserName();
StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(48);
// build a display label showing the user person name
if (this.personService.personExists(currentUserName) == true)
// found a Person with a User authority
NodeRef ref = this.personService.getPerson(currentUserName);
String firstName = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME);
String lastName = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
// build a sensible label for display
label.append(firstName).append(' ').append(lastName);
// add a wrapper object with the details to the results list
// for display
UserAuthorityDetails userDetails = new UserAuthorityDetails(label.toString(), currentUserName);
logger.debug("Ajout de l'user " + label + "au groupe " + adminGroup);
this.authorityService.addAuthority(adminGroupName, userDetails.getAuthority());
catch(Exception e)
logger.warn("Impossible de placer l'utilisateur courant dans le groupe " + adminGroup);
// Ajoute les membres sélectionnés au groupe Membres Projet
for (UserAuthorityDetails membre : membresGroup)
logger.debug("Ajout de l'user " + membre.getAuthority() + "au groupe " + memberGroup);
this.authorityService.addAuthority(memberGroupName, membre.getAuthority());
return outcome;
* Positionne les permissions sur un espace
* @param groupRoles
* @param space
protected void processSpacePermissions(List<UserGroupRole> groupRoles, NodeRef space) {
for (int i=0; i<groupRoles.size(); i++)
UserGroupRole groupRole = groupRoles.get(i);
String authority = groupRole.getAuthority();
// find the selected permission ref from it's name and apply for the specified user
Set<String> perms = this.permissionService.getSettablePermissions(ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER);
for (String permission : perms)
if (groupRole.getRole().equals(permission))
logger.debug("Adding : Authority : "+authority+" Permission : "+permission+" Space: "+space.toString());
AuthenticationUtil.runAs(RunAsWork<R> runAsWork, String uid);
package com.fws.service;
public class FwsAuthenticationService {
private static final String SYSTEM_USERNAME="user_system";
private static final char[] SYSTEM_PASSWORD={'p','a','s','s','w','o','r','d'};
public static void authenticateAsFwsSystem(AuthenticationService authenticationService) {
// Authenticate as user_system (a member of the APPLICATION_ADMIN group)
authenticationService.authenticate(SYSTEM_USERNAME, SYSTEM_PASSWORD);
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