Email an Empfänger ausserhalb von Alfresco

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Member II

Email an Empfänger ausserhalb von Alfresco


besteht eigentlich die Möglichkeit bspw. eine Rechnung aus dem Alfresco an eine Email-Adresse zu schicken ohne dass der Benutzer einen Account im Alfresco hat?
Irgendwie finde ich das nicht… ich denke so was sollte aber eigentlich möglich sein…

Danke für die Hilfe…
2 Replies
Member II

Re: Email an Empfänger ausserhalb von Alfresco

nein, hierzu gibt es keine Funktion in Alfresco. Allerdings sind die Grundlagen vorhanden so etwas mit relativ wenig Aufwand zu implementieren.
ggf. gibt es schon irgendwo eine solche fertige Erweiterung.
VG, jan
Member II

Re: Email an Empfänger ausserhalb von Alfresco

So ich habe jetzt was gefunden:

Nächstes Problem habe ich beim Kompilieren. Kennt jemand diese Erweiterung und hat die am laufen?

Ich bekomme folgenden Fehler:

Buildfile: C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\build.xml
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\build.xml:23: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\build\classes
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]       List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<String>(wizard.getEmailRecipients().size());
    [javac]                                                             ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]       for (int i=0; i < wizard.getEmailRecipients().size(); i++)
    [javac]                               ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]          RecipientWrapper wrapper = wizard.getEmailRecipients().get(i);
    [javac]                                           ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]                wizard.getEmailRecipients().add(
    [javac]                      ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]          if (actionWizard.getEmailRecipients().size() != 0)
    [javac]                          ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]             for (int i=0; i < actionWizard.getEmailRecipients().size(); i++)
    [javac]                                           ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ error: method getEmailRecipients in class BaseActionWizard cannot be applied to given types;
    [javac]                RecipientWrapper wrapper = actionWizard.getEmailRecipients().get(i);
    [javac]                                                       ^
    [javac]   required: Map<String,Serializable>
    [javac]   found: no arguments
    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
    [javac] Note: C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\src\main\java\org\alfresco\web\bean\actions\handlers\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    [javac] 7 errors

C:\alfresco-community-sdk-3.4.d\samples\MailAttachAction-1.0\build.xml:23: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 1 second