How to deploy extension amps?

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Active Member II

How to deploy extension amps?

I have two extension amp files that have to be deployed since in document library there are files which are uploaded from external Alfresco sites with specific properties related to those sites and their content types/aspects. I have placed those amps in folders /amps and /amps_share but unfortunately when I try to edit those files I receive following error message in catalina.out:  Failed to create anonymous type as specified aspect

GUI error:

GUI error

One of those amps is visible in module section of admin console. Is there any step which I missed?

9 Replies
Senior Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

You need to add your code.This happens when the types in alfresco repository are not created and you are trying to access the type in share which does not exist in backend. It's the same in case of aspects.

Please add code what you have developed so far on this.So that people on community can understand the question, and can help. Make sure you write it properly , so community can help it in a better way.This is not the case with this question, I have seen this in may other questions as well.

Active Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

Thank you for your answer. Aspects from my site work fine, documents that contain my aspects can be edited and new one uploaded. The problem cause documents uploaded from external systems that also use Alfresco and have individual properties which are not part of my models.

More information related to this. First I had to upgrade system from Alfresco 4.1 to 5.2. Then I imported database and reindexed content. Everything works fine except those external documents.

Senior Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

As you are talking about upgrade, do you have some customization on alfresco 4.1 and have you properly upgraded in 5.2?

Active Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

Yes, I do have some customizations. I have created new project using Alfresco 5.2. and implemented everything from the start, but the content model is almost the same, I have just added the new properties. After upgrade all content is imported, search works, edit properties also works but just on documents that have aspects from my model. For one of those extension amps I also created content model but nothing happens. It is not recognized. And to be honest I don't understand how external amps work.

Senior Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

You need to add the code.Add what you have done so far and what output you are expecting.

Active Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

When you say code do you refer to *-model.xml files? If yes, I am not allowed to copy those files since they contain infromation about my client. But I will try to explain situation as much as I can.

I have two files which define content model of my Alfresco site e.g. called Site1:

1. content1-model.xml

2. content2-model.xm

content1 has 2 aspects

content2 has 1 aspects

When I upload documents in document library, aspects from content1 are added to those documents. My client has another Alfresco site e.g. called Site 2. content2 corresponds to content model from this site. My client takes documents from Site 2 and uploads them to Site 1. I have amp extension files related to Site2. So what should I do with them? I was told to place them in /amps folder which I have done, but error is still there.  

What I expect is that when my client uploads documents from Site2 new aspects (related to this site or extensions) are recognized and shown. Is that even possible? It works fine in production with Alfresco 4.1.

Senior Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

You are doing something wrong in the code, that's the only thing, i can tell without the code.

Active Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

Ok, thanks. I will try to extract those amps and to add their content models to my repo.

Active Member II

Re: How to deploy extension amps?

So this works, after I extracted each amp and copied its models into my project the error is fixed. Isn't there any automatic way to include those amps. I thought if I place them into /amps folder and then run ./ it will work automatically.