Any solution regarding this issue? I have the same issue with my installation, the contents of documents is only indexed if I upload them through the user GUI. Same issue for documents uploaded with IMAP.
Same issue. Any idea to fix it ?
I have the same issue with webDav or CMIS
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
alfresco 6.2 with Docker-compose
I have the same issue with Alfresco 7.0
search query : a word in the content.
Object indexed (with Share)
Hi all,
have anyone a solution for this issue?
I have the same problem on a Community - 7.1.0 (re109bcda-blocal) installation in a docker container on a windows 10 PC.
If I upload a text file from alfresco share and I search for content all works well.
If I upload the same file from REST api I'm not able to search its content.
Thanks in advance for any contribution
We are having the same problem. If documents are uploaded through Share and properties set there, we can find the file through the advanced search with no problems.
However, documents uploaded through the REST API with their properties set can't be found using specific custom fields in the custom forms in advanced search, although using a query (eg. cg:customType:NiceCompany) in the simple search bar manages to find the file. The thing that is more interesting though is that if the properties of the file uploaded throught the REST API are modified throught the Share UI then the file CAN be found using advanced search, but not before.
I'm really confused with this. It seems that the REST API uploaded file is indexed but advanced search only manages to find it through custom forms if any property is modified latter through Share.
We are using a Docker deployment with Alfresco 6.2 version.
Hello everyone, I have the same problem using Alfresco 6.1 with docker. Someone was able to solve it.
Thank you very much in any case
We have the same issue using Alfresco 6.2 with docker.
Content is indexed when importing a document, but not when imported with bulk import.
Hi, Did you find any solution?
I can reproduce the Issue with Alfreco Content Services 7.2
I made a local test.
Docker Compose deployment with https://github.com/alfresco/alfresco-docker-installer (choosing 7.1 version).
Upload a new file with following command (not accesing Share or any other app)
curl -u admin:admin -X POST alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/-my-/children -F filedata=@test.txt {"entry":{"isFile":true,"createdByUser":{"id":"admin","displayName":"Administrator"},"modifiedAt":"2022-02-16T14:17:58.567+0000","nodeType":"cm:content","content":{"mimeType":"text/plain","mimeTypeName":"Plain Text","sizeInBytes":10,"encoding":"UTF-8"},"parentId":"f3871c51-de56-436e-8001-062086af88f5","aspectNames":["cm:versionable","cm:auditable"],"createdAt":"2022-02-16T14:17:58.567+0000","isFolder":false,"modifiedByUser":{"id":"admin","displayName":"Administrator"},"name":"test.txt","id":"5d16aa61-2f8f-4744-afb9-d892a5566343","properties":{"cm:versionLabel":"1.0","cm:versionType":"MAJOR"}}}
Waited 10 seconds (to be sure the content is indexed) and performing the query directly in SOLR (my file included "quidditch" on the content):
"response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"docs":[ { "DBID":864, "id":"_DEFAULT_!8000000000000360"}] }
Do you have additional instructions on how to reproduce the issue?
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