Hola, necesito 2 apis
1- una api que pueda utilizar para que desde un nodo raiz me muestre todas las ramificaciones y documentos que hay en cada ramificacion?
2- una api igual pero que desde el nodo raiz busque en sus ramas un archivo que tenga una palabra clave?
muchas gracias
Solved! Go to Solution.
it is advisable to use an AFTS query to retrieve those nodes, using PATH or ANCESTOR keyword.
You can find some useful examples in this article https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-blog/using-the-rest-api-to-find-elements-insid...
Hello, could you please write your question in English?
I need to be able to search all child, grandchild, and great-grandchild nodes up to the last node in a file.
Hello, I need 2 apis
1- an api that I can use so that from a root node it shows me all the branches and documents that are in each branch?
2- an api the same but that from the root node searches its branches for a file that has a keyword?
Oh and tell me what I'm doing wrong in this cmis query SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE (IN_FOLDER('963cf8df-2d9b-4bdb-a73c-ff58c19f0c93') AND CONTAINS('Instructions')) OR (cmis:baseTypeId='cmis :folder')
thank you so much
it is advisable to use an AFTS query to retrieve those nodes, using PATH or ANCESTOR keyword.
You can find some useful examples in this article https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-blog/using-the-rest-api-to-find-elements-insid...
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