Hello Francesco,
I have added the reply to your solution:
The url is
The reply is as follows:
Hello Francesco,
My understanding is AAAR_DataMart and AAAR_Kettle should be used
automatically while installation.I read that in one of the forum
comments..Both arent happening when I am installing AAAR on pentaho 7.
Instead I am getting the error
"Warning! *Please, check logs ignoring errors with description
'...Folder/File exists, failing.'.*"
Even when i create the schema AAAR_DataMart in MySQL it does not work.
Installation is not working properly.Extraction script succeeds but
AAAR.log does not get updated.
Publishing script runs into the error:
ERROR: No repository provided, can't load job.
ERROR: Kitchen can't continue because the job couldn't be loaded.
Unable to list jar files in plugin folder 'plugins'
*Could not find files in
*Could not find files in
Kindly help me with installation extraction and publishing actions of the
Please Note: Attaching the latest catalina.bat for your reference.
Thanks and regards,
Paritosh Chandorkar
Hi Paritosh,
The AAAR_DataMart and AAAR_Kettle databases are not used during the installation but are created during the installation.
If the installation does not create the two databases for you, the installation fails for some reasons we have to discover.
The right place to discover the error is the Pentaho catalina.out file.
The error you share describes something about a corruption of the Pentaho repository.
Hello Francesco,
Thanks for the reply.
In my case, AAAR_DataMart and AAAR_Kettle databases are not getting created during installation.
I have checked catalina.log file but could not locate the exact error.I have attached the catalina.log files for your reference.
Please can you give me the steps to set up repository in PDI for Pentaho 7.
I have no idea why the current repository is corrupted.Can you help me here as well.
Thanks and regards,
Paritosh Chandorkar
Hi Paritosh,
In both the log files you have an issue related to the Pentaho repository, having an issue with the version history.
The strange thing is that I cannot see nothing in the log about the installation task.
Did you press the "Install AAAR" button as described in the page below?
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