activiti 5.22 how to configure activiti to create tables in a different schema

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activiti 5.22 how to configure activiti to create tables in a different schema

I am using Oracle, and it seems like activiti is creating tables using the DB user's user schema.

I am running activiti inside springboot app - and trying the configurer approach to:

- manually set the datasource

- set group and user factories

I tried updating databaseSchema on the process engine configuration - but it seems like it has no effect.

I maybe missing some configurations but not sure.


1 Reply
Established Member II

Re: activiti 5.22 how to configure activiti to create tables in a different schema

Hi Nomar!

I don't think this option is available out of the box.  

Please take a look at DB creation scripts at activiti-5.22.0\database\create\*.sql You can modify these scripts and run them manually.  

In activiti you can disable DB creation/upgrade in engine settings so later upgrades will be done manually as well.