Hello Team we are upgrading to APS 1.11 to APS 24.2
On the documentation we found below properties need to be enabled to activiti-app.properties
Can any one please guide us about above properties?
1. Are we allowed to create new process in upgraded environment with these enabled properties? Or we need to complete the existing process first ?
2. What will be the effect of making both properties true OR false and either of them is true and the other is false ?
3. What is the recommanded values of both properties while going to Production?
Those properties enable the Activiti 5 engine while you are migrating from APS 1.x to APS 2.x (based on Activiti 7) or APS 24.x (based on Activiti 8). You should enable both of these properties before upgrading to APS 2.x or APS 24.x, if you expect to have inflight workflows in your target APS (2.x or 24.x).
So if some users of your platform have to work with inflight workflow instances after the upgrade (workflows instances that are not completed and they were started on APS 1.x) you need to temporary enable Activiti 5 on your upgraded platform.
When all the legacy inflight workflow instances will be terminated then you can disable both the properties avoiding the availability of Activiti 5 engine in the APS classpath.
Anyway any new workflow instance will be executed using the new Activiti engine (Activiti 7 for APS 2.x and Activiti 8 for APS 24.x).
Hope this helps.
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