ActivitiException: Delegate expression - did neither resolve to an implementation of interface

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ActivitiException: Delegate expression - did neither resolve to an implementation of interface


I have a process that has service task step that is calling a Spring bean using delegateExpression which is implementing the JavaDelegate. I have used the below delegateExpression to pass a parameter that is specific to the step. Call is landed on the correct method and executed however after the successful execution or a failure (exception), below exception is thrown and process stops.

Delegate Expression: #{etlTriggerService.execute(execution,'fileParsing')}


org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Delegate expression #{etlTriggerService.execute(execution,'fileParsing')} did neither resolve to an implementation of interface org.activiti.engine.impl.delegate.ActivityBehavior nor interface org.activiti.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate

Wondering why am I getting this error even though my class is implementing the JavaDelegate. Any help/suggestions appreciated.

1 Reply
Active Member II

Re: ActivitiException: Delegate expression - did neither resolve to an implementation of interface

I'm not using the REST API, but my tasks implementing JavaDelegate have to implement execute(DelegateExecution execution). If I were to add another parameter  to my execute() method I'd get a warning from the IDE telling me my class needs to implement JavaDelegate.execute(Delegate Execution). So maybe you can't add another parameter like that.

The parameters I need to pass to my code I put into process variables and then get back via the DelegateExecution.