Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

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Active Member II

Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

I'm looking for a solution to add combobox in activiti designer User task properties. I can add String type using stencils but can't find any way to add combobox or checkbox. need help on this.

5 Replies

Re: Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

I am assuming you are using Enterprise edition since you mentioned "Stencils".
It is absolutely possible to add complex property types such as a combo box, we have done this a number of times.

However, you cannot do it using the Activiti tooling, you must create your custom stencilset manually (in the json) and upload it.

Additionally, you may need to register the new property type, template and controller using the resource loader capabilities.

Been meaning to write a blog about this, but dont seem to get time.


Active Member II

Re: Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

I can't say if i can achieve this since i am new to it and finding difficult to get these kind of things anywhere documented. I'll try google though for creating custom stencilset manually if I get any solution.Not much is documented for extending Activiti features and understand it completely. you have been really helpful thank you.


Re: Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

Unfortunately this is not documented anywhere, it is something we had to discover over time.



Re: Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

If you need professional help with this sort of thing, my company (BP3) are the experts at all things related to Activiti and a number of other BPM suites.

Active Member II

Re: Add Combobox in activiti designer for User task properties using stencils

Well I'm looking to get a training on it ,If any how I can get it will be very helpful as I am struggling to get my hands on it.