I have installed the Alfresco community edition 7.4.0 using docker-compose.
I created my own workflow using the eclipse activiti bpmn 2.0 and I want to upload it to The alfresco repository, I read JEFF POTTS' PERSONAL BLOG ABOUT ALFRESCO but it didn't help.
I tried to configure it with the docker tooling in Eclipse but I didn't know how,
1)Do I have to prepare an image of my eclipse diagram and put it in the community-docker-compose.yml?
2)i tried Ant deploy but i failed to provide the alfresco repository directory in build.xml code to get my project to deployed in the alfresco. Any ideo about this? I'll provide my build.xml code down below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- WARNING: Eclipse auto-generated file.
Any modifications will be overwritten.
To include a user specific buildfile here, simply create one in the same
directory with the processing instruction <?eclipse.ant.import?>
as the first entry and export the buildfile again. --><project basedir="." default="build" name="projecthelloworld">
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars"/>
<property name="target" value="17"/>
<property name="source" value="17"/>
<path id="Activiti Designer Extensions.userclasspath"/>
<path id="projecthelloworld.classpath">
<pathelement location="target/classes"/>
<pathelement location="target/test-classes"/>
<path refid="Activiti Designer Extensions.userclasspath"/>
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="target/classes"/>
<mkdir dir="target/test-classes"/>
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="target/classes">
<fileset dir="src/main/java">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="target/classes">
<fileset dir="src/main/resources">
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="target/test-classes">
<fileset dir="src/test/java">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="target/test-classes">
<fileset dir="src/test/resources">
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="target/classes"/>
<delete dir="target/test-classes"/>
<target depends="clean" name="cleanall"/>
<target depends="build-subprojects,build-project" name="build"/>
<target name="build-subprojects"/>
<target depends="init" name="build-project">
<echo message="${ant.project.name}: ${ant.file}"/>
<javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="target/classes" includeantruntime="false" source="${source}" target="${target}">
<src path="src/main/java"/>
<src path="src/main/resources"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<classpath refid="projecthelloworld.classpath"/>
<javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="target/test-classes" includeantruntime="false" source="${source}" target="${target}">
<src path="src/test/java"/>
<src path="src/test/resources"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<classpath refid="projecthelloworld.classpath"/>
<target description="Build all projects which reference this project. Useful to propagate changes." name="build-refprojects"/>
<target description="copy Eclipse compiler jars to ant lib directory" name="init-eclipse-compiler">
<copy todir="${ant.library.dir}">
<fileset dir="${ECLIPSE_HOME}/plugins" includes="org.eclipse.jdt.core_*.jar"/>
<unzip dest="${ant.library.dir}">
<patternset includes="jdtCompilerAdapter.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${ECLIPSE_HOME}/plugins" includes="org.eclipse.jdt.core_*.jar"/>
<target description="compile project with Eclipse compiler" name="build-eclipse-compiler">
<property name="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter"/>
<antcall target="build"/>
<target name="deploy" depends="build">
<fileset dir="/home/Documents/root/projects/repository/config/alfresco/workflow/projecthelloworld/src/main/resources/diagrams/" />
<copy todir="/home/.m2/repository/org/alfresco/alfresco-repository">
<fileset dir="/home/Documents/root/projects/repository/config/alfresco/workflow/projecthelloworld/src/main/resources/diagrams/" />
3)Also i have a bean code which i took it from jeff's tutorial but i don't know what is the purpose of it:
<bean id="someco.workflowBootstrap" parent="workflowDeployer">
<property name="workflowDefinitions">
<prop key="engineId">activiti</prop>
<prop key="mimetype">text/xml</prop>
<prop key="redeploy">true</prop>
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