can't generate FormProperties in BPMN file

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Active Member

can't generate FormProperties in BPMN file

hi , i'm using java to create my Model :

public static StartEvent createStartEvent(List<org.activiti.bpmn.model.FormProperty> formProperties){
StartEvent startEvent = new StartEvent();
return startEvent;

when i generate the file i can't find my FormProperties . the problem i think is the tag ExtensionElement , but i can't find it : 

ExtensionElements cannot be resolved to a type

2 Replies
Established Member II

Re: can't generate FormProperties in BPMN file


Can you give us a little bit more context around the problem - log files, the generated file, anything helps.


Active Member

Re: can't generate FormProperties in BPMN file

i found the problem it's just the file wont update when i delete it i find my BPmN file as it should be thanks . do you have any good resources or example on how to pass parameters between JSF and activiti