Hi Everybody, I try to build my own bpmn Modeler task. I Edited the stencilset.json
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ServiceTask",
"title" : "JOBS task",
"description" : "A task to trigger a JOBS module",
"view" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<svg\n xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n xmlns:oryx=\"http://www.b3mn.org/oryx\"\n xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n\n width=\"102\"\n height=\"82\"\n version=\"1.0\">\n <defs></defs>\n <oryx:magnets>\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"1\" oryx:cy=\"20\" oryx:anchors=\"left\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"1\" oryx:cy=\"40\" oryx:anchors=\"left\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"1\" oryx:cy=\"60\" oryx:anchors=\"left\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"25\" oryx:cy=\"79\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"50\" oryx:cy=\"79\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"75\" oryx:cy=\"79\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"99\" oryx:cy=\"20\" oryx:anchors=\"right\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"99\" oryx:cy=\"40\" oryx:anchors=\"right\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"99\" oryx:cy=\"60\" oryx:anchors=\"right\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"25\" oryx:cy=\"1\" oryx:anchors=\"top\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"50\" oryx:cy=\"1\" oryx:anchors=\"top\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"75\" oryx:cy=\"1\" oryx:anchors=\"top\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"50\" oryx:cy=\"40\" oryx:default=\"yes\" />\n </oryx:magnets>\n <g pointer-events=\"fill\" oryx:minimumSize=\"50 40\">\n\t<rect id=\"text_frame\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom top right left\" x=\"1\" y=\"1\" width=\"94\" height=\"79\" rx=\"10\" ry=\"10\" stroke=\"none\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"none\" />\n\t<rect id=\"bg_frame\" oryx:resize=\"vertical horizontal\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"100\" height=\"80\" rx=\"10\" ry=\"10\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"#f9f9f9\" />\n\t\t<text \n\t\t\tfont-size=\"12\" \n\t\t\tid=\"text_name\" \n\t\t\tx=\"50\" \n\t\t\ty=\"40\" \n\t\t\toryx:align=\"middle center\"\n\t\t\toryx:fittoelem=\"text_frame\"\n\t\t\tstroke=\"#373e48\">\n\t\t</text>\n\t\n\t<g id=\"serviceTask\" transform=\"translate(3,3)\">\n\t<path oryx:anchors=\"top left\"\n\t\tstyle=\"fill:#72a7d0;stroke:none\"\n d=\"M 8,1 7.5,2.875 c 0,0 -0.02438,0.250763 -0.40625,0.4375 C 7.05724,3.330353 7.04387,3.358818 7,3.375 6.6676654,3.4929791 6.3336971,3.6092802 6.03125,3.78125 6.02349,3.78566 6.007733,3.77681 6,3.78125 5.8811373,3.761018 5.8125,3.71875 5.8125,3.71875 l -1.6875,-1 -1.40625,1.4375 0.96875,1.65625 c 0,0 0.065705,0.068637 0.09375,0.1875 0.002,0.00849 -0.00169,0.022138 0,0.03125 C 3.6092802,6.3336971 3.4929791,6.6676654 3.375,7 3.3629836,7.0338489 3.3239228,7.0596246 3.3125,7.09375 3.125763,7.4756184 2.875,7.5 2.875,7.5 L 1,8 l 0,2 1.875,0.5 c 0,0 0.250763,0.02438 0.4375,0.40625 0.017853,0.03651 0.046318,0.04988 0.0625,0.09375 0.1129372,0.318132 0.2124732,0.646641 0.375,0.9375 -0.00302,0.215512 -0.09375,0.34375 -0.09375,0.34375 L 2.6875,13.9375 4.09375,15.34375 5.78125,14.375 c 0,0 0.1229911,-0.09744 0.34375,-0.09375 0.2720511,0.147787 0.5795915,0.23888 0.875,0.34375 0.033849,0.01202 0.059625,0.05108 0.09375,0.0625 C 7.4756199,14.874237 7.5,15.125 7.5,15.125 L 8,17 l 2,0 0.5,-1.875 c 0,0 0.02438,-0.250763 0.40625,-0.4375 0.03651,-0.01785 0.04988,-0.04632 0.09375,-0.0625 0.332335,-0.117979 0.666303,-0.23428 0.96875,-0.40625 0.177303,0.0173 0.28125,0.09375 0.28125,0.09375 l 1.65625,0.96875 1.40625,-1.40625 -0.96875,-1.65625 c 0,0 -0.07645,-0.103947 -0.09375,-0.28125 0.162527,-0.290859 0.262063,-0.619368 0.375,-0.9375 0.01618,-0.04387 0.04465,-0.05724 0.0625,-0.09375 C 14.874237,10.52438 15.125,10.5 15.125,10.5 L 17,10 17,8 15.125,7.5 c 0,0 -0.250763,-0.024382 -0.4375,-0.40625 C 14.669647,7.0572406 14.641181,7.0438697 14.625,7 14.55912,6.8144282 14.520616,6.6141566 14.4375,6.4375 c -0.224363,-0.4866 0,-0.71875 0,-0.71875 L 15.40625,4.0625 14,2.625 l -1.65625,1 c 0,0 -0.253337,0.1695664 -0.71875,-0.03125 l -0.03125,0 C 11.405359,3.5035185 11.198648,3.4455201 11,3.375 10.95613,3.3588185 10.942759,3.3303534 10.90625,3.3125 10.524382,3.125763 10.5,2.875 10.5,2.875 L 10,1 8,1 z m 1,5 c 1.656854,0 3,1.3431458 3,3 0,1.656854 -1.343146,3 -3,3 C 7.3431458,12 6,10.656854 6,9 6,7.3431458 7.3431458,6 9,6 z\" />\n\t</g>\n \n\t<g id=\"parallel\">\n\t\t<path oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" d=\"M46 70 v8 M50 70 v8 M54 70 v8\" stroke-width=\"2\" />\n\t</g>\n\t\n\t<g id=\"sequential\">\n\t\t<path oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" stroke-width=\"2\" d=\"M46,76h10M46,72h10 M46,68h10\"/>\n\t</g>\n\t\n\t<g id=\"compensation\">\n\t\t<path oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" d=\"M 62 74 L 66 70 L 66 78 L 62 74 L 62 70 L 58 74 L 62 78 L 62 74\" stroke-width=\"1\" />\n\t</g>\n </g>\n</svg>",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.service.png",
"groups" : [ "Activities", "NetPrimary" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage", "servicetaskclasspackage", "servicetaskexpressionpackage", "servicetaskdelegateexpressionpackage", "servicetaskfieldspackage", "servicetaskresultvariablepackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "DelegateTask",
"title" : "Delegate task",
"description" : "An automatic task with service logic",
"view" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<svg\n xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n xmlns:oryx=\"http://www.b3mn.org/oryx\"\n xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n\n width=\"102\"\n height=\"82\"\n version=\"1.0\">\n <defs></defs>\n <oryx:magnets>\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"1\" oryx:cy=\"20\" oryx:anchors=\"left\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"1\" oryx:cy=\"40\" oryx:anchors=\"left\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"1\" oryx:cy=\"60\" oryx:anchors=\"left\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"25\" oryx:cy=\"79\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"50\" oryx:cy=\"79\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"75\" oryx:cy=\"79\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"99\" oryx:cy=\"20\" oryx:anchors=\"right\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"99\" oryx:cy=\"40\" oryx:anchors=\"right\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"99\" oryx:cy=\"60\" oryx:anchors=\"right\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"25\" oryx:cy=\"1\" oryx:anchors=\"top\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"50\" oryx:cy=\"1\" oryx:anchors=\"top\" />\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"75\" oryx:cy=\"1\" oryx:anchors=\"top\" />\n \t\n \t<oryx:magnet oryx:cx=\"50\" oryx:cy=\"40\" oryx:default=\"yes\" />\n </oryx:magnets>\n <g pointer-events=\"fill\" oryx:minimumSize=\"50 40\">\n\t<rect id=\"text_frame\" oryx:anchors=\"bottom top right left\" x=\"1\" y=\"1\" width=\"94\" height=\"79\" rx=\"10\" ry=\"10\" stroke=\"none\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"none\" />\n\t<rect id=\"bg_frame\" oryx:resize=\"vertical horizontal\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"100\" height=\"80\" rx=\"10\" ry=\"10\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"#f9f9f9\" />\n\t\t<text \n\t\t\tfont-size=\"12\" \n\t\t\tid=\"text_name\" \n\t\t\tx=\"50\" \n\t\t\ty=\"40\" \n\t\t\toryx:align=\"middle center\"\n\t\t\toryx:fittoelem=\"text_frame\"\n\t\t\tstroke=\"#373e48\">\n\t\t</text>\n\t\n\t<g id=\"delegateTask\" transform=\"translate(3,3)\">\n\t<path oryx:anchors=\"top left\"\n\t\tstyle=\"fill:#72a7d0;stroke:none\"\n d=\"M 8,1 7.5,2.875 c 0,0 -0.02438,0.250763 -0.40625,0.4375 C 7.05724,3.330353 7.04387,3.358818 7,3.375 6.6676654,3.4929791 6.3336971,3.6092802 6.03125,3.78125 6.02349,3.78566 6.007733,3.77681 6,3.78125 5.8811373,3.761018 5.8125,3.71875 5.8125,3.71875 l -1.6875,-1 -1.40625,1.4375 0.96875,1.65625 c 0,0 0.065705,0.068637 0.09375,0.1875 0.002,0.00849 -0.00169,0.022138 0,0.03125 C 3.6092802,6.3336971 3.4929791,6.6676654 3.375,7 3.3629836,7.0338489 3.3239228,7.0596246 3.3125,7.09375 3.125763,7.4756184 2.875,7.5 2.875,7.5 L 1,8 l 0,2 1.875,0.5 c 0,0 0.250763,0.02438 0.4375,0.40625 0.017853,0.03651 0.046318,0.04988 0.0625,0.09375 0.1129372,0.318132 0.2124732,0.646641 0.375,0.9375 -0.00302,0.215512 -0.09375,0.34375 -0.09375,0.34375 L 2.6875,13.9375 4.09375,15.34375 5.78125,14.375 c 0,0 0.1229911,-0.09744 0.34375,-0.09375 0.2720511,0.147787 0.5795915,0.23888 0.875,0.34375 0.033849,0.01202 0.059625,0.05108 0.09375,0.0625 C 7.4756199,14.874237 7.5,15.125 7.5,15.125 L 8,17 l 2,0 0.5,-1.875 c 0,0 0.02438,-0.250763 0.40625,-0.4375 0.03651,-0.01785 0.04988,-0.04632 0.09375,-0.0625 0.332335,-0.117979 0.666303,-0.23428 0.96875,-0.40625 0.177303,0.0173 0.28125,0.09375 0.28125,0.09375 l 1.65625,0.96875 1.40625,-1.40625 -0.96875,-1.65625 c 0,0 -0.07645,-0.103947 -0.09375,-0.28125 0.162527,-0.290859 0.262063,-0.619368 0.375,-0.9375 0.01618,-0.04387 0.04465,-0.05724 0.0625,-0.09375 C 14.874237,10.52438 15.125,10.5 15.125,10.5 L 17,10 17,8 15.125,7.5 c 0,0 -0.250763,-0.024382 -0.4375,-0.40625 C 14.669647,7.0572406 14.641181,7.0438697 14.625,7 14.55912,6.8144282 14.520616,6.6141566 14.4375,6.4375 c -0.224363,-0.4866 0,-0.71875 0,-0.71875 L 15.40625,4.0625 14,2.625 l -1.65625,1 c 0,0 -0.253337,0.1695664 -0.71875,-0.03125 l -0.03125,0 C 11.405359,3.5035185 11.198648,3.4455201 11,3.375 10.95613,3.3588185 10.942759,3.3303534 10.90625,3.3125 10.524382,3.125763 10.5,2.875 10.5,2.875 L 10,1 8,1 z m 1,5 c 1.656854,0 3,1.3431458 3,3 0,1.656854 -1.343146,3 -3,3 C 7.3431458,12 6,10.656854 6,9 6,7.3431458 7.3431458,6 9,6 z\" />\n\t</g>\n \n\t<g id=\"parallel\">\n\t\t<path oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" d=\"M46 70 v8 M50 70 v8 M54 70 v8\" stroke-width=\"2\" />\n\t</g>\n\t\n\t<g id=\"sequential\">\n\t\t<path oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" stroke-width=\"2\" d=\"M46,76h10M46,72h10 M46,68h10\"/>\n\t</g>\n\t\n\t<g id=\"compensation\">\n\t\t<path oryx:anchors=\"bottom\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#bbbbbb\" d=\"M 62 74 L 66 70 L 66 78 L 62 74 L 62 70 L 58 74 L 62 78 L 62 74\" stroke-width=\"1\" />\n\t</g>\n </g>\n</svg>",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.service.png",
"groups" : [ "Activities", "NetPrimary" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "servicetaskdelegateexpressionpackage"],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
when i create a workflow using this Delegate task element i get a Exeption:
java.lang.Exception: Failed to save model 52: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Ung³ltiger Content wurde beginnend mit Element 'EDITOR_RESOURCEID' gefunden. '{WC[##other:"http:/
/www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL"]}' wird erwartet.
How can i make my own Stencil for the delegate Task?
When i change back the id to ServiceTask but leave away some packages, it is applied to both items.
If you're using the Enterprise version; try using the Stencil Editor in order to create the custom stencil, which has been documented here in a blog post. If you are using Community Edition 6.0, you can do the same thing, but will need to edit the stencil json file directly.
If you're using the Community Edition below version 6.0, check out this section of the User Guide.
If you've already checked against some of these tutorials and guides for your implementation, the main thing that looks a little bit off with your configuration is that you're not actually pointing to a Java class:
"type" : "node",
"id" : "DelegateTask",
"title" : "Delegate task",
Hello Marcel,
Looking at the specifics of your custom stencilset I don't see any glaring mistakes.
The format of your custom entry is correct but I expect the problem you are having is that you have removed too many property packages to the point where the resulting model is invalid.
Try simply copying the entire ServiceTask stanza and simply renaming it to DelegateTask.
I expect this will work (we do this all the time).
Then start removing property packages until the error shows up, then you will know which package is required.
Just as an FYI, this is the same approach you take if you want to add new non trivial property fields (trivial ones can be added using the method Jonathan describes).
Let us know how this goes.
Hey Greg, This is the same I tried. My Delegate Task in difference to the JOBS Task should only contain the field Delegate Expression, not the class field, because no class is used. when i duplicate this and not use the servicetaskclass package in one of the stenicls, it doesn't appear in both any more. the other problem is when i create a workflow with a service task, delete the class out of it and set the delegate expression, export and import the workflow again the class is filled up with the defined class.
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