When I using Activiti 6 demo to create process model. I set Outcomes in Forms editor of "apply" task. The values are "ok" and "reject". Then how can I set condition expression to let the next task(audit or end) follow the form outcome of "apply" task?
Click on the sequence flow, and in the sequence flow properties, click on flow condition. It opens up a pop up to select the type of condition. In your case, select simple type. Then you will see 3 more options. In your case, it depends on a form outcome. So select that. Next, select the form, condition and the outcome. Thats it.
Thanks for your response. But I can't find the page you show.
When I click flow condition marked in red, it only pops up the following window. Could you paste bpmn file as you set? I think at least I can set in the bpmn file directly.
My mistake. I didn't read your question properly. The screenshot I shared was of APS and not Activiti6.
Condition expression in APS was generated as below in my bpm.
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"><![CDATA[${(activiti_flowConditionsBean.exists(execution, 'form3004outcome') && form3004outcome == 'notok')}]]></conditionExpression>
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