Why activiti process versions are multiplying in the DB when app restarts?

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Member II

Why activiti process versions are multiplying in the DB when app restarts?


1) I created BPM diagram & exported the *.xml file

2) Put the file into the resources/processes folder & launched my application

3) Spring Boot imported the *.xml file into the h2 database automatically

4) I opened the database & took a look at the created ProcessDefinition table that contains process ID, name, assignee etc...

5) So far all was good

6) When I restart the app (I use gradlew & yarn start commands) and look at the database again a new row is created in the ProcessDefinition table with increasing version number.

Why is this happening & is it possible to prevent Spring to load the same ProcessDefinition into the db again and again?

1 Reply
Alfresco Employee

Re: Why activiti process versions are multiplying in the DB when app restarts?

We did look into something like this before but had trouble reproducing it - Process Definitions are being redeployed with a new version when Runtime Bundle started using the sa...  Perhaps you could create project in GitHub that can be used with some steps to reproduce the issue? There is a comment in that issue about filtering - I've not checked if that's enabled on the v6 Spring boot starter (Activiti/modules/activiti-spring-boot/spring-boot-starters/activiti-spring-boot-starter-basic/src/ma... ) so that's a line to pursue.