I want to create a Content and Process ADF app, building on the Alfresco Content Application, rather than starting from scratch.
The Alfresco Content Application is a Content app so it's not connected to APS. How can I configure it so it becomes a Content and Process app?
You need at least the following:
I have a similar problem.
Adding the @alfresco/adf-process-services dependency and updating app.config.json worked for me on an older version of the content app...
... but when I tried to update to the newest version I was getting a lot of errors
Does that mean the process services dependency is somehow not compatible with the newest version of the content app? If no, how do I update the app?
Based on your errors, you are getting the unreleased "development" branch with the Angular 10 upgrade that is going on. Use "master" branch if you want accessing the released content.
Is there somewhere a documentation on how to add Process Services to the Content App?
Your described solution is not working for us. We are currently using version 2.3.0.
We tried adding `@alfresco/adf-process-services` to the `package.json` and followed the instructions for the digital workspace here:
Hi @Jonas_T
What are you trying to achieve in ADW and how is it failing?
The ADW offers an integration for Process Services.
We want to achieve the same thing while using ACA as base.
So the question is how can we include Process Services in ACA, or is this not possible at all?
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