Hi All
I am looking for free or partner third-party AddOn for ADF.
I could find some AddOn works with Alfresco share but I need a plugin which can work for ADF.
Hi, can you please explain more about your scenario?
The scenario here is,
Our customer has document approval process. Once final authority approve the document, they also want to sign that document digitally.
Is there a way in ADF to achieve this requirement?
Here is an example that was done adf-examples/ADF_1.5.0/aps-signature-stencil-sample at master · Alfresco/adf-examples · GitHub
and here is a partner solution from Keensoft - Adding Electronic Signature to Alfresco ADF Components Catalog - keensoft. Hopefully one of these will be helpful as is or get you going in the right direction.
hi, I want to add e-signature module for ADF 3.6.0 and ACA 1.9 but the documents I found are not compatible for older ADF 3.6.0. Can you help me?
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