Je ne dispose pas du répertoire :tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/subsystems
Seulement des dossiers audit, bootstrap et mt.
C'est moi qui vous remercie !
J'utilise la version 3.4d, en revanche qu'entendez-vous par "full installer"? J'ai installé Alfresco de façon à ce que je démarre le serveur Tomcat moi-même avec une base de données sur SQL Server.
Les seuls fichiers bat de mon répertoire Alfresco sont serviceinstall.bat et servicerun.bat.
Merci de votre aide.
@echo off
rem START or STOP Services
rem ———————————-
rem Check if argument is STOP or START
if not ""%1"" == ""START"" goto stop
if exist C:\Alfresco\hypersonic\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\server\hsql-sample-database\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\ingres\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\ingres\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\mysql\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\mysql\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\postgresql\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\postgresql\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\apache2\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\apache2\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\openoffice\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\openoffice\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\tomcat\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\tomcat\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\jetty\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\jetty\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\subversion\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\subversion\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\lucene\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\lucene\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
if exist C:\Alfresco\third_application\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\third_application\scripts\servicerun.bat START)
goto end
if exist C:\Alfresco\third_application\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\third_application\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\lucene\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\lucene\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\subversion\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\subversion\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\jetty\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\jetty\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\hypersonic\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\server\hsql-sample-database\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\tomcat\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\tomcat\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\openoffice\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\openoffice\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\apache2\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\apache2\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\ingres\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\ingres\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\mysql\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\mysql\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
if exist C:\Alfresco\postgresql\scripts\servicerun.bat (start /MIN C:\Alfresco\postgresql\scripts\servicerun.bat STOP)
# Properties shared between the Alfresco server
# and its remote clients (e.g.: the virtualization server).
# Ports used by Alfresco
# Note: These ports are also used by the virtualization server
# (hence, they're in a seperate file that can be copied easily).
# Remote RMI services
Il suffit simplement de dupliquer les 2 emails en anglais en les renommant par exemple à l'identique et ajouter avant l'extension _fr_FR au nom initial.
Il est nullement nécessaire de supprimer les 2 premiers emails.
Content from pre 2016 and from language groups that have been closed.
Content is read-only.
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