## Common Alfresco Properties #
# Sample custom content and index data location
# Sample database connection properties
# Property to control whether schema updates are performed automatically.
# Updates must be enabled during upgrades as, apart from the static upgrade scripts,
# there are also auto-generated update scripts that will need to be executed. After
# upgrading to a new version, this can be disabled.
# HSQL connection
# MySQL connection (This is default and requires mysql-connector-java-5.0.3-bin.jar, which ships with the Alfresco server)
# Oracle connection (requires ojdbc14_g.jar or equivalent jar in shared libraries location)
# Sybase connection (requires jconn2d.jar or equivalent jar in shared libraries location)
# SQLServer connection (requires jtds-1.2.jar or equivalent - http://jtds.sourceforge.net/)
# SQLServer connection using Microsoft JDBC driver
# PostgreSQL connection (requires postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3.jar or equivalent)
# MySQL dialect (default)
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