An error has occured in the Share component: /share/service/components/dashlets/rssfeed.
It responded with a status of 500 - Internal Error.
Error Code Information: 500 - An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Error Message: 07160035 Failed to load script 'classpath*:alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets/rssfeed.get.js': 07160034 ReferenceError: "XML" is not defined. (file:/opt/alfresco/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets/rssfeed.get.js#310)
Server: Alfresco Spring WebScripts - v1.0.0 (Milestone 3 357) schema 1,000
Time: 16-Aug-2010 11:19:31
This issue is not reproduced on Ubuntu 9.04 Server, 3.2, sunjdk. It seems that the cause of the issue is related with connection/proxy/firewall configuration, or the version of JDK. There are several issues that may be related ALF-1508, ALF-1518, ALFCOM-2262, so it would be very helpful for us to solve this issue if you can add the detailed description about your connection/proxy/firewall configuration and JDK version
Buenos días ATC.
Googleando me he encontrado con varios hilos del JIRA con el mismo error que el tuyo y se comenta que el problema viene de la configuración del firewall que tengas o de la versión de JDK que tengas instalada. Mira este JIRA:This issue is not reproduced on Ubuntu 9.04 Server, 3.2, sunjdk. It seems that the cause of the issue is related with connection/proxy/firewall configuration, or the version of JDK. There are several issues that may be related ALF-1508, ALF-1518, ALFCOM-2262, so it would be very helpful for us to solve this issue if you can add the detailed description about your connection/proxy/firewall configuration and JDK version
Comprueba que tienes instalado correctamente el JDK y la configuración de tu firewall.
Por cierto para el JDK lee este hilo del foro en inglés que hay gente que ya lo ha solucionado (comprobando que tienen correctamente el CLASSPATH).
La idea es ir descartando: Si ves que el firewall lo tienes bien configurado observa a ver que JDK tienes instalado y el claspath
Un saludooo!
PD: Por cierto por si te sirve: Para buscar tu problema en google puse esto (quité el número ese que te dio dentro del error y añadí un par de palabras para "filtrar" resultados ).
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