Alfresco Content Integration rivet (ACIr)

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Alfresco Content Integration rivet (ACIr)

ACIr is a query and ingestion engine. It allows for extraction or ingestion of files from/to the repository. Extraction is based on a query (or set of queries), and it allows the extract to undergo a series of transformations both to the file names and to the content itself before deploying the extract. Ingestion works the other way around and allows content to be ingested over a variety of protocols and transformed on the way into the repository. The transformations are pluggable and we can create and add those to the system easily. Furthermore, the extract deployers are also pluggable which allows for deployments to happen over a variety of transports (FTP, SFTP, email, etc.)  

Ownermvertal _

Enterprise 3.3.x

Enterprise 3.4.x

License Type
Project PageHome - Alfresco Content Integration rivet - Rivet Logic Corp 
Download PageDownloads - Alfresco Content Integration rivet - Rivet Logic Corp 
Component Type
Extension Points