Alfresco Process Services issues on crack

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Alfresco Process Services issues on crack

Hey guys, how u doing? i hope fine...
I basically need to create workflows xml on Alfresco Process Services. But that service cannot be cracked.

Im trying to crack as the told:

- putting activiti.lic on folder <process-services-version/tomcat/lib> and restart (failed)

- also, i tried to change a file to "activiti-admin.war" on tomcat/webapps and restart (failed)


some1 help me please, how can i crack a license to use Alfresco Process Services as i want???

1 Reply

Re: Alfresco Process Services issues on crack

Try to start withut putting licence file. Once you start, after that you have a ptin to upload licence file.

Look like you have a some issue on start application.