I'm trying to deploy Activiti Cloud Example on Minikube. But I cannot access it via browser.
OS/Middleware | Version |
Host OS | MacOS Mojave |
minikube | v0.35.0 |
kubernetes | v1.13.4 |
helm | v2.13.0 |
$ git clone https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts$ cd activiti-cloud-charts/activiti-cloud-full-example
$ minikube start --disk-size=40g --memory=10000 --cpus=4 --vm-driver=hyperkit
$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
<result of minikube ip> activiti-cloud-gateway.default.activiti.example.com (add left info to hosts file)
$ kubectl apply -f helm-service-account-role.yaml
$ helm init --service-account helm --upgrade
$ helm repo add activiti-cloud-charts https://activiti.github.io/activiti-cloud-charts/
$ helm repo update helm install --name example activiti-cloud-charts/activiti-cloud-full-example \
--set global.gateway.domain=activiti.example.com
Expected: Container created successfully and can access via browser
Actual: Container created and access it via browser successfully. But I saw error message below and cannot create new project.
Is there any missing setting?
It is very helpful to have advice.
Solved! Go to Solution.
It was constructed by using the nip.io address for the domain.
--set global.gateway.domain=<nip.io wildcard DNS address>
It was constructed by using the nip.io address for the domain.
--set global.gateway.domain=<nip.io wildcard DNS address>
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