Hi there,
I'm using the APS 1.11.0 REST API to add content to a process instance as follows:
In the call I post a file that gets uploaded and I can see content attached to the process using:
"id": 261284,
"name": "MyTW_Bill_900011423716_26_07_2021-2.pdf",
"created": "2021-08-06T09:50:34.655+0000",
"createdBy": {
"id": 1,
"firstName": "Mr",
"lastName": "Administrator",
"email": "admin@app.activiti.com",
"pictureId": 2002
"relatedContent": false,
"contentAvailable": true,
"link": false,
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"simpleType": "pdf",
"previewStatus": "queued",
"thumbnailStatus": "queued"
You can see at the bottom of the JSON that the previewStatus and thumbnailStatus are "queued".
What do I have to do to force APS to process this, change the status to "created" and therefore allow me to retrieve the preview rendition?
I have a custom Angualr app that is making the REST calls, but if I run the same call via Postman, APS still refuses to generate the preview. If I upload the same file via Activiti App then the preview is generated.