I need some help.
One of my ex colleagues uses UserService in a costomised AngularJS component to get users. UserService is injected in an AngularJS component, you can see the injection in the joined image
The method used to get users is the following:
this.getUsers = function(){
return UserService.getFilteredUsers();
However, we get only the first 50 users and we can't get the documentation of this service to change the size of the list we get from the APS rest api "Alfresco Process Services api https://activiti.alfresco.com/activiti-app/api-explorer.html#!/users/getUsersUsingGET_1". If some indicate where can I find the documentation or the methods to change the size, it will be helpful
Thank you for the help you would provide.
Hi @IlhemB,
Unfortunately pagination isn't supported for this endpoint at the moment. Can you raise an enhancement ticket?
Take care,
Thank you, I will do that.
If you have the information about the UserService documentation it will help me in my developments.
Take care,
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